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Making the last 50
Posted by Serendipidy
6/2/2008  3:44:00 AM
I would like to point out that in the greatest championship in the world last week. Blackpool. There were eight from the USA in the top 50 in the Professional Standard Open. Two made the last six. To even get into the last 50 in that competition is a feat on its own. It makes them one of the very best dancers in the world today.
Re: Making the last 50
Posted by terence2
6/2/2008  4:18:00 AM
Heres the irony of the present day " makeup " of partnerships in residency .

At least 75 % of the couples dancing for the USA, are of foreign origin ( not even citizens in many cases )

The opposite of that-- Jonathan dancing for the States when he is as English as the day is long !! .

How different the results would be, if you were only allowed to dance for your country of birth in not natuarlised in another country .
Re: Making the last 50
Posted by Serendipidy
6/3/2008  3:33:00 AM
Terence. With our dancing . I could arrive in the USA . If I give my address as in the US. Then USA goes against my name. Six months later I could be with England alongside my name. Or I could keep Australia right through regardles of where I am living at that time. Did you know Michael Wentink now dances for Japan. This problem will always be with us when it comes to talking Olympics. I doubt if there is any answer.
Re: Making the last 50
Posted by terence2
6/3/2008  5:51:00 AM
oh but there is-- every problem has a solution .

here,s 2 ideas

1.. the male of the partnership would have to be a citizen thru birth , or naturalisation .

2. a permanent residency of 5 yrs min. ( again for male )

What the current system does essentially is this.. it demote its natural born competitors to a sub level, which is not entirely their fault.
the europeans have had far more access to top level training before they even enter, for e.g., the States .
it has always seemed a little disingenuous to me, that one could be a representative just by " showing up " .
it does , however , speak highly of those who are from there when reaching semis and finals .
Re: Making the last 50
Posted by Serendipidy
6/4/2008  5:57:00 PM
Terence. It wont work. Tennis is an Olympic event. The sme rule must be for all no matter what sport. Shall we have Tim Henman playing with Sharapova. And then another problem.If I set up residence in the USA. Can I spend most the year abroad and still qualify as a prospective American. I don't think so. If I want to become anything in this dancing world I must go where the action is. Europe.

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